Friday, December 3, 2010

For my first trick...

Welcome to my magic blog!

I've been interested in the art of magic illusions since a very young age, but never considered becoming a magician until I was in college. It was then that I told myself not only that I could do it, but I would do it.

Books were bought, tricks were bought, videos were watched. Several hours were spent in front of a mirror, watching my hands closely as I perfected each sleight. The first part of my magic education dealt with learning tricks. Lots and lots of tricks. Some I remembered from when I was a kid, and some were flashier and newer to me. My repertoire steadily grew, but being a newbie in the field, I was forgetting the most important part, and possibly most overlooked part of becoming a magician--showmanship! Don't get me wrong... I practiced a lot. I could do a Double-Lift and a French Drop as good as anyone. But when it came to making a show out of a bunch of tricks... well, it's tough. And 7 years later, I'm still perfecting that.

A note to beginning magicians (myself included):
You can do it! Don't ever believe you can't. Practice, practice practice. And once you're confident that it's perfect... keep practicing!
Walk around with your deck of cards wherever you go, practicing one move at a time whenever you get a free moment. Hide a coin in your hand all day--palming it, rolling it over your fingers, or just a one-finger spin. Persistence is the key ingredient to learning any move(s). You'll fail 1000 times before you finally get it. Don't give up.

My journey started several years ago now, and unfortunately has taken some time off since having kids and getting married, but I'm happy to say that I'm going to make a comeback. I think my wife just misses how I used to leave tricks and decks of cards lying all around the house...

I don't currently have grandiose dreams as far as my magic career goes. My dream is to stick with the birthday party scene for kids. I love kids and figure this will keep me close to home. I hope to build my renown around the Seattle area a bit, and get a few gigs a month.

Lastly, I created this blog to track my progress, log and share my experiences, and help those young magicians to take that first step towards a truly magical hobby.

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